Candace Obi, Writer/Photographer

Makayla Evans, Writer/Photographer

Paulina Parra, Writer/Photographer

Anthony Umana, Writer/Photographer

Diego Lopez, Writer/Photographer

Lorenzo Minotti, Writer/Photographer

Seniors, where are you going to be on Thursday, December 16th? Make you plans to attend the 2nd annual Westside Senior Movie Night. Held in the commons, this year's event will host the class of 2023 for night of "drive...

HISD published the 2022 football All District teams, and your Westside Wolves were well represented. Congratulations to the following. 1st Team Offense Thaddeus Watson, QB (Sr.) Jahbari Kuykendall, RB (Sr.) Jaylen Adams...

Attention all Westside Students: Please plan to join HISD College & Career Readiness and Multilingual Education for the 2022 DREAM Summit, set for this Saturday, December 10. The event is FREE and will take place from...

You’ve probably seen her around in brief flashes as she hustles back and forth from marching practice to drills; or maybe you’ve seen her in the marching band's halftime show while donning Pride's...

If you've ever played a sport, or been physically active, you know the importance of being fit, and physically capable of asking the maximum of your body. Imagine you're running down the basketball court,...

Kicking off their 22-23 season, the Lady Wolves basketball program will be hosting their pre-season scrimmages Saturday October 29th and Tuesday November 1st at Westside High School. Saturday the games...

October 17, 2022
CALLING ALL WOLVES!!!! Are you free on Halloween??Want to support friends in Choir and/or Orchestra??Down...
Wolf Band’s first competition of the season
October 11, 2022
On Saturday, October 8th, Westside High School's Marching Band participated in Katy Independent School...
April 25, 2022
SWADOAPS is Westside's theater production program, which takes place every year. They're one-act plays...
December 13, 2022
Candace Obi, Writer/PhotographerDecember 10, 2022
Andrew Reaidy, Writer/PhotographerDecember 9, 2022
Brian Guerrero, Writer/PhotographerDecember 9, 2022
Makayla Evans, Writer/PhotographerDecember 9, 2022
Paulina Parra, Writer/Photographer