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Does uniform help Westside?

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Does uniform help Westside?

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Does uniform help Westside? Westside has a very strict uniform policy (dress code). I personally hate the uniform policy and I believe that the policy should be removed from the school’s dress code permanently. Westside added the uniform policy to the school’s dress code before the start of the 2016-2017 school year. I personally hate the uniform policy and I believe that the policy should be removed from the school’s dress code permanently.

The uniform policy is a very controversial topic at Westside. Plenty of students do not like the policy. A uniform doesn’t help students at the school. Seeing students in uniform doesn’t make students want to do better in class. Students tend to feel more uncomfortable in uniform because they really don’t want to wear it. The clothes that the school sells are not stylish and a majority of students care about how they look at school. They are not providing the uniform for free students still have to pay for the uniform. Students want to be able to express their selves through the clothes they wear. Uniform does not help students from bullying and getting picked on because students still get picked on.

There are still students who don’t wear the uniform and take the high risk of getting ISS for not wearing the uniform. If the punishment was not as bad as ISS then I wouldn’t wear uniform either but I can’t risk having ISS. The students need to come together and fight against the rules to override the uniform policy. They allowed students to protest against gun violence and school shootings so they need to let us protest against the uniform. Uniform does not help the students or the school.

The strict uniform policy in the Westside dress code is not helpful to the students at the school. The uniform policy is the most unnecessary rule that they have put in place.

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About the Writer
Derron Williams Jr, Writer

My name is Derron Williams Jr. I am a junior at Westside. This is my first year in Journalism, and my first year in Houston, Texas.

I'm from Atlanta....

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Does uniform help Westside?