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Americans don’t need AR-15’s

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Americans don’t need AR-15’s

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After the horrific shooting at Marjory Stone man Douglas high school in Parkland Florida, people have begun to speak out about gun safety and the changes that need to be made in our country. The biggest topic is the need for AR-15’s. They were made during World War 1 for battle, and were then able to be purchased in America. AR-15’s have been the weapon of choice for most, if not all, mass shootings done in America. The solution then seems simple, ban AR-15’s so we can end these murders. Although, many Americans believe that banning AR-15’s wouldn’t fix the problem and would not be constitutional.

“The second amendment gives everyone the right to bear arms and protect themselves. Banning a specific gun will not prevent school shootings, I believe it’s the person not the gun. I think the parents need to be more conscious about their children.” says Christina Watson, a junior.

I agree that we need to be more active in figuring out those who are a risk, but will that be enough? “I believe that banning AR-15’s will have an impact on lowering shootings. Lowering the supply of guns, lowers the chances of a shooting all around America.” says Vasiliki Perzous another student at Westside. I think the only way to significantly reduce gun violence is to not only reduce the supply of military weapons to citizens, but to make back ground checks more thorough. Keeping those with the possibility of committing a mass shooting away from guns.

Many different people have many different opinions on this issue, but I believe one thing we can agree on as a nation is that something needs to be done about our gun problem. Whatever your belief on fixing gun safety, remain outspoken. It is our duty to end the killing of friends and family, and I believe the banning of AR-15’s is a step in the right direction.

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About the Contributor
Bailee Jackson, Writer

Bailee Jackson is a senior at Westside. This is her third year in on the Howler News staff,  and she's excited for what this year has in store! Outside...

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Americans don’t need AR-15’s