The Women’s March

First hand account of the Washington DC Women's March held on January 21, 2017.


Timothy Fadek for WIRED

Demonstrators at Women's March in Washington DC, January 21, 2017

Photo courtesy of NBC News
Father and daughter at the Women’s March in Washington DC. January 21, 2017

The Women’s March in one word was breathtaking. To see thousands of different people, from different places, with different backgrounds come together in unity to support those without a voice, brought me to tears. It reassured me to know that I wasn’t alone, that all 1.2 million of these people cared for me, cared for everyone who was feeling discouraged, and they weren’t afraid to stand tall for us. I was scared before this march. Strangers, friends had all seemed to become spiteful against those different from them. I felt powerless to change this. This march showed me that I didn’t carry this burden alone. Millions of people are out there, fighting the same battles I am.

I had expected to come to this march and see mobs of angry people, marching out of spite. I realized as I got to the march that no one had come out of anger, they had all come for a person. My friend Christine had come for her daughter, my friend Peggy for her LGTBQ son, and my dear friend Rhonda came for everyone. Everyone who felt deserted by the Government sworn to protect them. No, not one of us had marched out of hate. We marched for equality, for peace, and always, always love.AP Wire Photo