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Where Will The Sunflowers Go?

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img_4514 Our world is under some heat right now, evidence shows that global warming is not a myth, the Artic glaciers are melting, and as a result, the sea level is slowly rising. But don’t get too scared, as the earth goes through a naturally occurring warming and cooling period. Westside Environmental Systems teacher, Mr. Spence says, “Climate change is natural and earth warming is natural.”

Ever since the ice age, the earth has been warming up and melting our glaciers, causing the fascinating seven lakes and civilizations to form. Even though global warming is a big thing, it’s part of a more extravagant story. We have always lived in a stable time, but we have never lived in a warmer time. This has created the political debate surrounding the question, “is global warming human caused?”img_4513

Evidence supports that its more natural causes, but humans have contributed to the problem. Things we do, like burning fossil fuels for energy is not sustainable. These types of things emit toxic, dangerous chemicals into our air, like carbon dioxide. To solve these problems, we should find a more healthy way to make energy. Just think about it, 50 years from now, our world could possibly be under water due to global warming and the heat from us burning fossil fuels. So starting now, I believe we should be making changes in the world we all live in.

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2 Responses to “Where Will The Sunflowers Go?”

  1. daniela urda on September 20th, 2016 8:52 pm

    Great ideas Alexandria !


  2. Daniela Urda on September 22nd, 2016 8:00 am

    Great job ! I love your article.


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The student news site of Westside High School
Where Will The Sunflowers Go?