Choosing Your Own Path
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Today is the day that many of us have been waiting for. If you haven’t heard already, the new IPhone 7 is coming out. When people think about Steve Jobs, the thing that comes to mind most is the brand that we all know and love, the IPhone. With the releasing of the new phone, I thought it would be beneficial to talk about something he wasn’t actually known for; his inspiring words.
Steve Jobs is a man of many talents. He is most known for the creation of Macintosh. Some know him to be a mean, undeserving person, and others as inspirational as Martin Luther King Jr.. Now when talking in terms of inspiring the younger generations, I think that Jobs did a wonderful job. I think there is something to be said for being apart of the older generation and really sticking up for the ones to come.
In June of 2005, Steve Jobs gave a speech to the graduating class of Stanford, in his speech he told three stories from his life that meant the most to him. The underlying themes in all of them were decisions. Decisions lead and shape you to be the person that you are meant to be. In his first story, he talked about dropping out of college, a choice that was hard to make for him but ultimately became one of the best decisions of his life. The second, being about loving the job he was doing and being fired from that job. From there, he realized he had two choices, either give up and do something else with his life, or keep going and create something even bigger than Macintosh. The third story is about death. Jobs gets the devastating news about his cancer and it made him make small decisions everyday, each one the same; live life to the fullest and spend it doing what you love.
I think that while all of these stories are his and are things that happened throughout his life, some small part of it can be applied to everyone reading it in one way or another. Everyone has a choice whether they think so or not. Everyone has a small part of them that knows exactly the path it wants to take. I think what Jobs is trying to say most through his speech is that life is a fragile thing and if you spend it making choices that won’t make you happy, you aren’t being the best you you can be.
So my question to you guys is: if you aren’t doing what you love, then what are you doing?
He was the man that made everything from nothing.
“Stay Hungry Stay Foolish”