The Reality of a Senior
February 25, 2022
Being a senior is always hard and with the circumstances that have been present in society over the past few years, it has only gotten worse. Seniors have only had one full year of normal school and their prime years of high school have been spent indoors and looking at a screen. There are also problems in society today such as lack of motivation and many people wondering and questioning what they want to do their whole life. Although it seems that life is back to normal, it is actually only harder for seniors.
A senior at Westside, Daniella Islas, is having difficulties grappling with the fact that school is almost over and agrees that life is harder than it used to be. When asked what senior life is like, Daniella stated that ” Senior life is good. It has gone very fast and I am just enjoying every day or at least trying to. It’s hard to imagine that in just a few months I will no longer be a student at Westside High School. It’s hard, teachers will give you a lot of work and I still need to get my life together which is getting my things ready for college and just preparing myself.” This is what many seniors are feeling today and the experience that they would have gotten in their sophomore and junior years are trying to be created right now.
” In the beginning of the school year and for the majority of the fall semester, I was just worried about where I would go next and now that I have picked a college to attend, I am finally free of that worry and am now really enjoying school and the people around me. Although, I am still questioning my choice and wondering if that’s the place for me, it is certainly less stress.”
It’s critical to understand that in past generations and school years students have had a normal school year filled with memories and experiences. It is not just the experiences but the quality of education that has been missing these past few years. Students have missed critical years of education and now seniors are quickly moving on to college. These will leave a mark and the consequences will be felt.
When asked how she deals with it, Daniella further explains, ” These past few years have been challenging. I have dealt will a lot of conflicts and internal struggles. I think the most important thing for me is to just keep the right attitude and to be confident within myself. I know I can be successful and I know that despite this big obstacle, I will continue to move forward.”
A piece of advice for all seniors is to be strong and to continue to be motivated. Although these past few years have thrown many obstacles your way, we know you can do it. There are many upcoming events that will raise your spirits and lead you to the end of your high school career. Go Wolves!