The Values of JROTC Training


JROTC Color Guard posts the colors at Westside’s first football game of the season

After a year off campus, Westside’s cadets are anxious return to a full slate of JROTC activities. They are ready to train. To compete. And to lead.


What: JROTC is a training program for all grades 9-12 learning to enhance senses and skills, to cope with anger, how to eat well, etiquette, the harmful effects of alcohol and drugs and prepare students to become better citizen.

Who: Sergeant Officers Mr.Coll & Mr.Gozalo are our current teachers for this program .

When: JROTC’s begins before school  & after school varying the group you have been assigned yourself to. JROTC training program are made up of 5 individual groups: Color Guard ,Drill ,Marksmanship ,Ranger Swim & Physical Fitness.

Where: JROTC’s training ground are in 4 different located by the teacher’s back parking lot, pool & running court.

Why: The important values of of this program is to improve the efficiency, discipline and leadership as well be prepared for competition.

How: The how is explained in the Why category

If  JROTC is an interest factor for you then please go by the JROTC room R122/R123 and don’t miss this opportunity.