All About Westside’s Laptop Collections
April 30, 2021
As the school year is nearing a close, students at Westside High School preparing for laptop collections. Laptop collections begin June 7th through 11th and June 14th through June 18th. The collections will take place in the library learning commons. Who needs to come? The students by June 11th, Remote students June 18th, And seniors by June 10th with their hotspots received from the school. If The computers being returned are broken or damaged, Lost or stolen laptops are $25, missing Chargers or damaged Chargers are $25, missing laptops are $25. If a computer is lost off campus, students will need to file a report with HPD.
Its also important to save work on the Onedrive Cloud. Before turning in your HISD computer, the files on the HISD computer have to be saved or it will be gone and wiped completely if not saved on your cloud. If you are a student wanting to know how to save you files before pickups, set up a Onedrive account on your files app. Its really convenient and easy to save. Just drag and drop your files to your Onedrive folder. All of your files wil then be stored to the cloud where u can access them until the end of your highschool career.
Its also really important to know how to access the HUB and TEAMS as a student on other devices than your laptop. Laptop collections may be happen before finals week or during. If you need to do any makeup finals for any reason, then knowing where to access the HUB or TEAMS on other devices is your best option.