Bullying Not Good
March 2, 2018
Filed under Arts & Entertainment
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My opinion on people other bullying others is not good because when you bullied someone you don’t know that you are hurting, making the feel less, and it can be them hurting themselves. But you never know what they are going through at home or if they even got a home to go after school. Meaning that they can harm themselves by killing or jumping off a building. Do you really enjoy pick on people just make you feel good about yourself after it? So, when you are pick on other children just stop and think to yourself; is this right to do this. If the answer is no then apologize to them and start being their friend. But really they never did anything to you and the whole time it was you not being their friend. For the people who just looked at someone being bullied just don’t do be a standby, go and tell someone what happening.
Bullying is something can’t be tolerated due to antisocial behaviors. It can cause students act to be wrong or harm themselves or others peoples. Bullies have aggressive behavior cause by Imbalance of Power and Repetition. There are three types of bullying; they are verbal, social , and physical of bullying. Verbal bullying cause by teasing, name-calling, and threaten to cause harm. While, social is cause by spreading of rumor, telling other children not to be friends with other children. Also, there are physical bullying is cause by hitting,spitting, pinching, kicking, and making mean hands gestures.
On the other hand, other people want to be cool because they want to be popular and want everybody to liked them. You are bullying someone that is just like you, but don’t looked like you, and they just have family problem and mental ill. For example, the person can bullied other people while having a group of friends around them, so they can think they are cool to making someone else feel bad about themselves. In other ways, students need to have a change of heart and put their self in the person’s shoes. If you just want to be cool when you are bullying someone just know that you are bring them down and making them feel like they aren’t worth nothing.
In conclusion, bullying isn’t be good because you can hurt someone feelings, not make wont to come to school anymore, and they end up doing something to themselves. You shouldn’t make someone like they don’t belong on this world because of the color of their skin, race, religious, and are they just don’t look like you. Everybody don’t look like each other we are all different in our own way and will continue to act different, too. So, we should be a eye witnessed when we see others bullying others. SO LET STAND FOR ONE ANOTHER!!!!
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