Testing Season: NMSI Mock Exams
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Spring Break is over, and you know what that means, right? Testing Season has begun. What does that mean?
What that means is, expect teachers to be ramping up the preparations and instructions. Tutorials are now your best friend. Alternate bell schedules, and haphazard class periods. And unless you are a lucky ducky senior…managing the stress of it all.
First out of the blocks will be the NMSI Mock Exams, happening on the STAAR days next week. Here is your schedule:
Tuesday, March 29
- AP Bio: Room E136
- APES: Room E113 (Klein’s 4th period)
- Room E116 (Klein’s 5th period)
- Room E122 (Klein’s 6th period)
Thursday, March 31
- AP Cal AB: Room E117
- AP Cal BC: Room E131
**All tests will begin at 8:00 am. The time that each test ends and time of the break for testers varies from test to test. Most tester shout be out of here by 11:30 am.
**After each test concludes, students should exit the building silently through the E1 doors that lead to the student parking lot.
If you have questions about any of this information, see Ms. DeGroodt in the East 1 office.
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