Westside Robotics Poinsettia Fundraiser


Westside High School’s FRC and VEX Robotics team is having a fundraiser for this Christmas season! Help support their fundraiser for their club by ordering one of their Holiday Poinsettias. A Poinsettia is a red plant that is typically seen around the Christmas season and is used to decorate houses for that special time of the year. If you would like one, you can pre-order from November 15 to November 19. Each Poinsettia is 12 dollars and comes decorated with a beautiful red foil around it. They will be ready for pickup the week after Thanksgiving break from November 29th to December 3rd. 

If you would like to purchase one, there are flyers around the school with a QR code that will take you to the website for your purchase. You can also look on the Westside website (https://www.houstonisd.org/westsidehs), find current headlines and click on “Poinsettia Sale.” Another way of purchasing the Poinsettia is looking at Westside’s Instagram page – @gowestsidewolves and they will have the link there too. If you have any questions about purchasing the Poinsettia, you can talk with your dean.