Wolf Band’s triple ‘excellent’ performance at the first UIL Competition since 2019


Wolf  Band’s 21-22 show ‘Mirage’ was rated “excellent” by all three judges, despite current Juniors and Seniors being the only classes that have competed in Marching UIL before, and, 50% of the Wolf Band consisting of 9th and 10th graders with ZERO previous marching band experience before this year.

Excellent is the 2nd highest score one can receive at UIL.

1=Superior 2=Excellent  3=Good  4=Fair 5=Poor. 

Mr. Gonzales, the Head Director, couldn’t be more proud of his pupils!

“While we definitely have room to grow and refine our skills, we are in great shape for the following seasons! Our students have shown true resilience and grit, and continue to demonstrate the importance of having an artistic outlet in the midst of ‘the year of recovery’ that is 21-22.”

In the rest of the email, Mr. Gonzales expresses gratitude for all the supporters that have made it possible for them to get this far.

“..While this has been a tough and trying season for the Wolf Band for SO MANY different reasons, we still manage to celebrate our successes as they come, and we would be remiss if we didn’t thank the host of people that offer their support and encouragement throughout the whole process. From travel logistics, to getting the band fed, to early contest call times, to getting custom shirts made and distributed, not to mention to coverage of classes during unexpected illnesses and health issues—never have I truly seen how much of a ‘village’ it takes for our students to achieve success! The thought I kept having yesterday was—“look at all the things that have to go 100% right for us to even function!” That is in no small part thanks to all of you!

I love my job, and I love being a part of the Westside team!

It’s far from over for the Wolf Band; There’s still The remainder of football season, , Playoffs, Chamber Concert, All-State auditions, March-A-Thon, Winter Concert, etc.!  All chances to witness the greatness of our band! 🎶🐺🤘🏽