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Staff Pick: The X-Files

Madison Rice, Writer

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Upon recommendation by a friend, I began to watch an older show entitled “The X-Files”. The show itself ran from 1993-2001, has had two feature films, and possesses a cult following of many fans. Most recently, the show released a tenth season which renewed its popularity and reintroduced it to the younger generations.

The show stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson as Agent Fox Mulder and Agent Dana Scully, an unlikely pairing of FBI agents who work together on cases that have to do with paranormal phenomena. Mulder is considered to be the much more open-minded, free-spirited agent and, to contrast, Scully is the skeptical and rational agent. Despite their differing personalities, I couldn’t help but fall in love with their support and toleration for one another throughout every single season. From beastly parasites to multiple accounts of alien abductions, this duo has experienced it all.

My favorite part of the show is the sense of nostalgia it brings about. The 90s aesthetic was a constant throughout the earlier seasons. Much of this said aesthetic included boxy cell phones, large glasses, pastel pantsuits, feather bangs, and subpar special effects. Pair this with the “FBI’s Most Unwanted” duo, and you have got yourself the perfect show. The X-Files can be found on Netflix, Hulu, and will sometimes aire on cable channels such as Sci-fi and FOX.


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Staff Pick: The X-Files