Eco Club, Westside


As I climbed the stairs to my next classroom, I spotted a poster on the wall about the eco-club. As a result, I realized further information about the eco-club may always be found around the campus. Additionally, more information is available on the Microsoft team app, and you can always see the eco-club information on the screen in your classes or on the Instagram page for the Westside, called: “gowestsidewolf”

Our school has an Eco-club that participates in environmental activities. The Eco-club assists Westside by maintaining the school grounds clean. For instance Eco club is important, because it guides students not to litter on school grounds. Littering on the school grounds is a terrible idea because it causes more stress to the janitors who have to clean the mess afterwards. Plus there are injuries causes by litter on the floor.  Also, recycling can save schools money by reducing our waste. For example, if your teacher gave you a binder to use in class. Finally, at the end of the school year, you decide to reuse the binder again for next year instead of buying a new one, you’re saving money. Another example in the library most of the books are not all new, there have been reused.

Like Allen F. Morgenstern said, “work smarter…not harder

Activities in the eco-club are field trips, planting, and recycling. The members get to interact in fun field trips, which also provide opportunities for members to experience meaningful and memorable learning. Planting trees and  gardens at school raise awareness of the importance of trees. Furthermore, trees provides shade outside, so if members decide to sit outside during lunch they won’t have to suffer in the sun any longer. The newly planted trees will clean the air. Therefore members can always go outside during lunch to get a breath of fresh air and to quiet they mind. Personally, it eases my soul to watch the birds, insects, and wildlife flit among the trees and flowers. To now be surrounded by greenery, and blooming flowers when before it was a barren landscape, is a gift that gives a million times over the cost to put it all together.

Finally, I highly recommend everyone to join our Ecology club since it participates in actives that help to save the environment, such as planting and recycling. It also allows you to interact with other students on the wonderful field trips.