My Experiences in Virtual School


It’s been a long year so far this 2020-2021 this school year filled with all different kinds of obstacles! This 2020 to 2021 school year is about to be my first full school year being virtual.   being virtual has taught me a lot of things throughout this school year. I’ve gone through countless Wi-Fi problems, virtual group projects, and Microsoft teams meeting tutorials.  As you can see, this was a learning experience for a lot of people, for the teachers, for the students, and for everybody involved in Virtual School Learning 

During the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year, my biggest thought was, how I was going to go through this school year virtually.  I knew I was going to face a big challenge since I was used to public school all my life. After a few weeks of virtual learning and using my very little experience with virtual learning last year,  I’ve gotten the hang of turning in assignments on the Hub and coming to Microsoft teams meetings on time.  It was exceptionally hard to get used to Virtual learning because I’m at home and my house isn’t a school environment. Turning in assignments at 11:59 pm was very convenient though.  I mostly had my own time turning in my work, and there was flexibility with assignments.  I also really liked the fact that lunch was almost 2 hours and office hours were during lunch.  the time managing was overall very convenient, especially convenient because my worth ethic derives from working alone and at my own pace. 

Doing school at home was (and still is) a very obstacle-filled experience. I’ve noticed countless things that I have gotten better at on the computer compared to my previous school years. Ive gotten better and making powerpoints, converting documents, it all becomes easier to do when that’s all you are faced with. There were some pros and cons throughout this 2020-2021 school year, but I’m looking forward to finishing it strong!