Blogger or Writer?
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As authors, we have specific labels. Whether we are a blogger or a writer, we all write a piece of art for a purpose. But what really is the deal with the argument of blogger versus writer?
A writer is defined as a person who writes books, stories, or articles as a job or regular occupation. So why are writers offended when bloggers call themselves writers if they are defined the same except that bloggers write through a personal website? Writers believe that bloggers just want to solve problems rather than analyzing like a ‘real’ writer does. Being a writer means having a more depth meaning towards a topic. The writers take time and effort to do research and conduct interviews.
But bloggers want the recognition of being a writer also. Bloggers believe that they are considered as writers too because they are writing information that can be useful to the reader. And writers write fictional stories that can be compared to when bloggers write about their life. Bloggers portray their life as a story to entertain the reader or even give informational facts.
Writers want to be independent and they don’t want to rely on other people’s opinions or thoughts. They like to think on their own or have help from a professional writing team. Rather than bloggers kind of depend on the audience feedback and go off of what they commented.
At the end of the day, there will always be the argument whether bloggers are considered as writers, but it truly just depends on your matter of perspective. 🙂
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