
Karolina Benitez, Photographer

Fall is the season

When the leafs turn bright colors

and the kids ask their mothers

“Can we go play outside

where the moon hides?”


Fall is the season

When people gain an hour of sleep

While counting all the little sheep.

And all the kids get excited look forward

to sleeping in an extra hour

instead to go to a school filled with horror.


Fall is the season

When the kids scream “Trick or treat!”

And have a million of candy to eat

For days and days

Before the next candy filled holiday


Fall is the season

Where families gather around

And eat till they fall to the ground

And where the turkeys get killed

Just for people to fill


And fall is the season

When people come out to see

The beauty of the trees

Oh how wonderful earth can be

How could anybody disagree?

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