Editorial : Ending the Superstition

Jasmine Linares, Writer

“It is bad luck if a black cat crosses your path.”

There are people who are superstitious and do not want any contact with a black cat because it is said that they are very bad luck. This superstition has been around for many years and no one really knows why. Well back around 3000 bc, cats were considered the superstars of the animal world. And in Egypt, if you killed them you would actually recieve a death penalty. But it wasn’t until the middle ages that black cats were now a symbol of witchery. There was a story of a young boy and his father hitting a cat and the next day, the women who owned the cat was “coincidentally” limping from an “injury” and ever since that tale was told, black cats were considered evil due to “witch craft”.

But there are cultures that believe that black cats are actually good luck. In Scotland, it is believed that a strange black cat’s arrival to the home signifies prosperity, while Pirates of the 19th century believed if a black cat walks towards you, it’s a sign of bad luck, but it’s good luck if it walks away from you. In the English Midlands, a black cat as a wedding present is thought to bring good luck to the bride.

Black cats are as just as normal as any other cat, or even more special at that. They share the same characteristics and continue living that meow life. I personally own a black cat myself.  He crosses my path at like 10 times a day and I like to believe that there is no bad luck hovering my life. And just because you own one does not make you a witch. We are at a point of our lives that black cats are as just as equal as any other cat or even animal. We cannot mistreat a black cat because of a rumor that started thousands of years ago.

But we cannot change the way a person thinks or lives.  It seems that this superstition will continue even though it has been proven wrong. These people should give these creatures a chance. There is nothing wrong with a little black fur ball in the same space as you.

Just look at how cute he looks.

Just look at how cute he looks.

Black cats are statistically less likely to be adopted than more brightly colored felines. But there are so many reasons to get one. You can literally never lose them in the snow. If you do not have any snow, then hey you can spot them on your carpet and wood floor. And black is a beautiful color. Black goes with everything and everyone knows this. You don’t have to worry about your house décor or even your clothes. Love knows no color! Your cat doesn’t care what color YOUR hair is! They are as cute as that black sweater you found in Forever 21.

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1 Comment

One Response to “Editorial : Ending the Superstition”

  1. Anonymous on March 9th, 2016 11:19 am

    very cute cat i have 1 as well, i am a firm believer that black cats are the absolute best as a companion.


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