The student news site of Westside High School

Howler News

  • November 16Trinity Washington University virtual college visit Wednesday, November 30 @ 11:30am
  • November 16PTO General Meeting on Monday, November 28th @ 6pm room s100
  • November 16Texas Lutheran University College visit November 29, 2022 @ 9:45 am
  • November 9Soccer tryouts on the Soccer field Monday, Nov. 28, - 4:00pm
The student news site of Westside High School

Howler News

The student news site of Westside High School

Howler News

Isaiah Odedeyi

Isaiah Odedeyi, Writer/Photographer

Isaiah Odedeyi is a junior at Westside Highschool, and it's his first year in Howler News. After high school he plans to become a real-estate agent or a basketball coach, and wants to study in real-estate and investing. Isaiah describes himself as funny, chill, smart, and down to earth.

He is a member of the National Honors Society at Westside. His reason to be in NHS is to develop leadership skills and receive scholarship opportunities. Isaiah plans to attend Baylor University. In his free time he likes to play video games, play basketball, watch TV, and hang out out with friends.

Isaiah's reason to be a part of the Howlers News staff is that he wants to inspire people about their opinions, thoughts, and ideas. The one goal he wants to accomplish is to be able to sell his first property by the time he is 25.

All content by Isaiah Odedeyi
WHS Drone Club Information

WHS Drone Club Information

October 17, 2022

Hey you! Do you love technology? Can you fly a drone? Then the Westside High School Drone Club is the right place for you! Run by Ms. Morris, every Tuesday after school, the Drone Club takes place from...

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