Comments on: The Deciding Factor The student news site of Westside High School Fri, 15 Apr 2016 02:10:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Donald trump Mon, 22 Feb 2016 21:31:23 +0000 did you really just try to make us feel bad about not wanting uniforms by equating this debate on uniforms with black history month? you’re right, mlk is rolling in his grave because you would stoop so low as to use him as an argument to limit our freedom. how hypocritical.

By: Concerned Student Mon, 22 Feb 2016 14:50:27 +0000 I agree with Jacob completely. I also have an opinion of my own. Let’s face it, for most people, school is not the most enjoyable place anyway. Many of the classes are drab as far as appearance, curriculum, and even teachers. This can make it very difficult to pay attention or even stay awake. When every student wears the same drab clothing, this will add to these difficulties. All of the anger, sadness, and other negative feelings that are coming with these uniforms creates its own problem. These negative feelings will radiate from student to student and affect the overall morale, and it will begin to hang over the hallways like a rain cloud.
One of the reasons for this uniform is ID’s. There is the complaint that students are not wearing them. I hear this and understand the safety concerns that come with this, but I don’t understand what has ever been done before to fix this problem. I know that some teachers require you have one before you go to class and there are faculty that stand in the hallways to make sure students have them on. However, what do they do? They stand in the hallways and say, ” Put on your ID’s.” That’s it. I’ve never seen or heard of any consequences that come with not wearing your school identification card. The small amount of faculty doing this also makes it very easy for students to slip by without an ID for even as long as the whole day. There are students who don’t wear their ID at all and have never gotten in trouble for it.
I hope both of these comments are read, understood, taken into consideration, AND taken to heart. I would like for the faculty, staff, and administration to honestly think, ” Are we fixing the wrong problem(s)?” ” Are uniforms really our saving grace?”

By: Jacob Fri, 12 Feb 2016 15:16:21 +0000 What upsets me is that the school doesn’t seem to care about our opinions. They asked us on the poll on the hub and most students I know were strongly against the uniforms. Most of us wrote essays when they said to only write 30 words, and our requests against uniforms seem to go ignored. For me, personally, I’ve been to schools with uniforms and hated each and every one. I don’t wear the style of any of the suggested uniforms (Polos, khakis, blazers) and most are pretty expensive. I’m never going to wear those clothes elsewhere, and I’m going to outgrow them. Smug seniors don’t exactly make the situation better for me either. I don’t see the uniforms as a means of security to protect us on the claim that intruders blend in with the students, which is the primary reason the school gives to make uniforms mandatory. Aren’t the ID’s supposed to show we’re a student? Yes, while most students don’t wear their ID’s, the school can fix that by handing out harsher punishments for those who are repeat offenders, similar to tardy students. Additionally, the school would have the same problems with uniforms if they choose to implement them. Students would constantly disobey the now stricter and harsher rules, and we would have taken a large step backwards. We would now have students who are already resentful of school become even more hateful because they now have to be in a place where they don’t want to be, wearing clothes they don’t want to wear, and learning in an environment they don’t want to learn in, hindering their education and willingness to learn. That is why I am against uniforms: not because they infringe upon my freedom of expression, but because they put me in an entirely negative environment.
