Comments on: PTO Meeting Continues the Controversial Uniform Discussion The student news site of Westside High School Fri, 27 May 2016 22:12:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Concerned Student Tue, 23 Feb 2016 15:44:59 +0000 So far, the only consent student’s have been given was a poll on the Howler. 315 students participated. Not every student heard of it and not every student had access to it. Furthermore, there were 4 choices on the poll: do you want uniform 1, uniform 2, uniform 3, or neither. This is hardly student representation in the process. There are 3000 students on this campus and only one- tenth of them were able to say anything, with limited choices. This is unfair to not only the other 2700 students, but to the 1tenth that participated as well. I know I participated in the poll and though the answers available were limited and an unfair representation of what students thought about uniforms, I participated to get what little representation I had available. In addition to only having one answer choice against uniforms, it was worded in such a way that the students seemed as if their view saw only their side and gave no consideration to anyone else. I feel that the students were given very minor representation as an excuse to for the staff to say that students were represented. The uniform situation was decided last year and the only reason we didn’t have them this year is because the company could not supply enough in the amount of time needed. The faculty knows what students want and many of us have legitimate reasons, not just, I don’t think I want them, or I don’t want a uniform at all. There is depth to our reasons as there is to the faculty( my explanations are on February 8ths Uniform post if it ever gets approved.) If this comment never gets approved, I rest assured that at least somebody of importance has seen it, read it, understood it, and has simply just chosen not to post it.
